Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

The website  is published by AIR STRETCHER SAS with a share capital of 5,000 euros, registered with the RCS of Paris under the number 91017209700016, whose registered office is located at 10 RUE DE PENTHIEVRE, 75008 PARIS, managed by Mrs Diane Heckel, hereinafter referred to as The Manager

Director of the publication: The Manager of AIR STRETCHER SAS 

Contact phone number: +33 607 770 924 

Contact email: 

The website  is hosted by the company OVH. 
2 rue Kellermann 
59 100 Roubaix 

RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045 
Code APE 2620Z 
TVA number : FR 22 424 761 419  

Website creation: 

Webmaster :


All the elements composing the site  (texts, domain name, images, graphic charter, logo, database, etc…) are strictly protected by intellectual property rights and unfair competition, and are the exclusive property of AIR STRETCHER SAS

Any total or partial reproduction or representation of the site  and/or of one or more of its elements is strictly forbidden, except with the prior written authorization of AIR STRETCHER SAS


Collection, processing and storage. 

AIR STRETCHER SAS collects personal information and data when you fill out a request for a quote via the form available on the website. 

The processing of personal data is based on the legitimate interest of AIR STRETCHER SAS to be able to identify you and contact you,  
and respond to your requests for quotes and/or information. Personal data are kept for the duration of the relationship  
customer, plus a 5-year delay. 

Regarding the personal data of prospects who have not mandated AIR STRETCHER SAS for any of its activities, the data is kept for a period of 3 years from the day the firm’s form was completed and sent. 


In accordance with the French Data Protection Act n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended, and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (known as: “RGPD”), you have the right to access, limit, modify, rectify, oppose, and delete data concerning you. 

Any request in this sense must be addressed to the Manager, at the following email address AIR STRETCHER SAS 

Taking into account the obligation of security and confidentiality to which AIR STRETCHER SAS is bound in the processing of personal data, the Manager  
may require proof of your identity. If there is reasonable doubt about your identity, you may be asked to provide  
a copy of an identity document (identity card, passport, driver’s license). 

The Manager will respond within one month of receiving your request. 


AIR STRETCHER SAS is the sole owner of the information collected on the  website. Your personal information will not be sold, traded, transferred, or given to another company for commercial purposes without your consent. 

This data may be entrusted to subcontractors for the proper execution of the services offered on the site or to third parties responsible for the management of the site.  
and/or the operation of the site, which are in no way authorized to use for purposes outside the strict scope of their mission or to sell,  
exchange or transfer your data to third parties. 

Your personal data may only be disclosed in accordance with a law, regulation or court order. 


When you connect to the site  AIR STRETCHER SAS may install a cookie on the hard disk of your terminal in order to guarantee you a fluid and optimal navigation. 

Cookies” allow AIR STRETCHER SAS to recognize your computer, your tablet or your cell phone at the following  
for the purpose of personalizing the services offered through the firm’s website. 

To inform you of this, a banner appears at the bottom of your screen when you connect to the website. You can refuse at any time the deposit of cookies on your terminal by setting your browser. In such a case, AIR STRETCHER SAS cannot however guarantee the optimal functioning of its website and cannot be held responsible for any consequences linked to the alteration of your browsing conditions on the site which would result from your choice to refuse or block the cookies necessary for its proper functioning. 

To guide you in your settings, the CNIL has developed a page dedicated to the control of cookies, which can be accessed through the following link: 

In accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL, the cookies strictly necessary for the operation of the website are not subject to any prior obligation on your part. However, your express consent is required prior to the use of cookies issued by third parties, which are subject to their privacy policies, which can be consulted on their websites. These cookies may be audience measurement cookies, advertising cookies, or social network sharing cookies. 


If you believe that AIR STRETCHER SAS is not complying with its obligations with regard to the collection and processing of your personal data, you can send a complaint to the CNIL by mail or electronically through the following link: 

– January 2025 – 

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